
Tuesday, April 10, 2012



進度:Part II Chapter 2- Chapter 4
頁碼:pp. 90-104
負責同學:Dennie, Key, Chun, Kerwin


  1. vocabulary

    Courtroom n. 法庭;審判室(L.2)
    Past n. 往事(L.6)
    Seminar n. 大學研究班;研討會(L.7)
    Retroactive adj. 溯及既往的 (L.11)
    Statute n. 法令(L.14)

    Exile v/n. 逃亡(L.7)
    Detachment n. 分離(L.10)
    Dispensation n. 分配;施予(L.14)
    In session在…期間(L.16)

    Prelude n. 前奏(L.1)
     Dock n. 碼頭.被告席(L.5)
     Judiciary n. 司法部;司法機關;法官(L.11)
     To the extent到…的程度(L.15)
     Pretrator n. 犯罪者;加害者(L.26)

    Alienate v. 使…疏離(L.2)
     Assimilate v.﹝知識的﹞吸收;理解;﹝食物的﹞消化(L.4)
    Arrogant adj. 自大的;傲慢的(L.11)
     Zeal n. 熱心;熱誠(L.14)
     Fervor 熱烈;熱情(L.16)
    Chapter Three
    Exhilaration n. 愉快的心情. (L.12)
    Devoid of 缺乏(L.2)
    Pomposity n. 自大的行為(L.2)
    Assize n. 巡迴審判(L.4)
    Prosecutor n. 檢察官;公訴人;原告(L.7)
    Silhouette v/n. 黑色輪廓像;剪影(L.9)
    Jargon n. 專業術語;行話;胡言亂語(L.17)
     Tirade n. 長篇的攻擊言論;激烈的發言(L.19)
     Recruiting v. 徵募﹝新兵﹞;吸收﹝新成員﹞(L.27)

    Monosyllable n. 單音節詞(L.2)
     Sarcastic adj. 諷刺的;嘲笑挖苦的(L.12)
     Agitation n. 攪動;搖動;激動;不安(L.18)
     Rationale n. 基本理由(L.19)
     Malicious adj. 惡意的;蓄意的(L.22)
     Jolt v/n. 使搖動;使顛簸;猛擊;使震驚;使慌亂(L.24)
     Allegation n. 斷言;申述;辯解;主張(L.27)
    Obstructionist n. 蓄意阻撓者;阻撓議事程序者(L.12)
     Summonse n. 召喚;傳喚;請求;要求(L.22)
    Chapter Four
    Erect adj. 直立的(L.6)
     Slander v. 誹謗;造謠中傷(L.7)
     Swell v. 腫起;腫脹(L.9)
     Draft n. 草稿;匯款單(L.20)
     Numbed adj. 麻木的(L.28)

    Anesthesia n. 麻木;麻醉L.14
    Rhetorical adj. 修辭學的;華麗誇張的L.25
     Pugnacity n. 好鬥L.26
     Jab v. 刺;戳L.26
     Pedantry n. 賣弄學問;迂腐L.26
     Truculence n. 野蠻;刻薄;粗暴L.27 

    Reinflate v. 使…再膨脹L.2
     Drone v. 低沉地說;嗡嗡叫L.2
    Hiss v. 嘶嘶叫L.3
     Choke v. 窒息;噎住;塞住L.13
     Agitate v. 使激動;使焦慮L.13
     Detachment n. 分開;派遣L.25

    Gassing n. 毒氣攻擊L.5
     Perpetrator n. 犯罪者;加害者L.6
     Dullness n. 遲鈍;沉悶L.9
     Petrify v. 使石化;使喪失活力L.12
     Relativize v. 使相對化L.25

    Demur n. 猶豫;顧慮;反對;瓦解L.3
    Revulsion n. ﹝感情﹞劇變;嫌惡;強烈反感L.1 

  2. overview

    At first, Michael said he saw the Hanna again. Because he enrolls in a seminar, which requires occasional attendance at the trials. The students in the seminar consider themselves to be radical explorers of legal history and, are eager to morally condemn everyone living in Germany during World War II. For example, Michael considers his own father to be complicit in war crimes because of his political views and spent the entire war as an underemployed editor of trail hiking guides. Michael and his fellow students feel it is their duty to uncover the truth about horrific war crimes and push that information into the public view. And Michael had the good feeling about it.

    The trial Michael attends is in another town. As Michael sits in the observation gallery, he is stunned to hear Hanna Schmitz As she stands and confirms her identity, he recognizes her, even though he cannot see her face.
    Hanna confirms her identity, states she was born in 1922 near Hermannstadt, Rumania, and moved to Berlin when she was a teenager. In Berlin, she worked at the Siemens factory. Her employment continued at the Siemens factory, until she was offered a promotion to foreman. Instead of taking the promotion, she left Siemens in 1943 and, at age 21, voluntarily joined the SS and served as a prison guard at Auschwitz. In early 1944, she was transferred to a small camp. Her lawyer suggest that Hanna should not be in custody. This influenced Michael. He thought Hanna should be in custody. Because she is out of his world. Michael thought a lot. But the court denied the detention.

    Michael watches the entire trial. Hanna appears isolated from the other defendants, and her serious demeanor appears arrogant. She sits as if frozen and never turns her head. Michael only sees the back of her head and shoulders. During the trial, he sometimes remembers having sex with her, but he is emotionally numb and feels nothing. He wonders why he is so numb. Eventually, however, the horrors of the court testimony leave everyone numb. Michael ponders an appropriate societal reaction to the Nazi atrocities - what can be done, what should be done, and why?

  3. Questions

    1.What was Michael’s attitude toward the trial before meeting Hanna again?Why? (P.93)

    2. Michael had argued the prohibition of retroactive justice with the professor.Do you think that he is in favor of it or opposed to it?Why? (P.90)

    3.After meeting Hanna , why did Michael feel numb about her just like being done a kind of anesthesia? (P.101)

    4.to the Nazi atrocities,what can be done, what should be done, and why?(P.104)

    5.Do you think it real that Hanna joined the SS voluntarily?Why?(P.96)
